GAMES101 12 Geometry 3 Mesh Operation
Geometry 3 Mesh Operation
by @SankHyan24
Mesh Subdivision:
- Loop Subdivision:(used only on triangle)
- Add the number of triangle
- Assign new vertex positions according to weight
- New/old vertices updated differently
- For new vertices: Updated to $\frac{3}{8}(A+B)+\frac{1}{8}(C+D)$
- For old vertices: Updated to
$(1-nu)\times original position + u neighbor position sum$
$n: vertex degree$
$u:\frac{3}{16} if n=3, \frac{3}{8n} otherwise $
- Catmull-Clark Subdivision (General Mesh)
- Definition:
- Quad face
- Non-quad face
- Extraordinary vertex, $degree\neq 4$
- Subdivision once:
- Chose every edge middle vertices and face middle vertices.
- Extraordinary vertex will be added to the non-quad face number, the Non-quad face disappeared.
- Subdivision again again and again.
- Point Update, a little complex, by edge vertex and face vertex. (by average too)
- Convergeb=nce: Overall Shape and Creases 最后的结果会有折痕
- Definition:
Mesh Simplification
- Goal: reduce number of mesh elements while maintaining the overall shape. (Like Mipmap anyway, but more difficult)
- Collapsing An Edge. 边坍缩
- Quadric Error Metrics (二次误差度量)
- 类似最小二乘
- 去掉边,变成一个点,调整该点的位置,让二次度量误差最小
- Implement: Heap,维持最小度量误差的边,更新相邻的边的最小度量误差
- 贪心算法
- Quadric Error Metrics (二次误差度量)
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